| 1. | And , if not chelsea , then who would we like to see at the top table 此外,除了切尔西,还有那个新贵有资格站在那里? |
| 2. | Control onto the page and place it below the menu in the top table cell 控件拖动到页面上,并将其放置在顶部表格单元格中的菜单之下。 |
| 3. | Its emergence as an equal to italy and even france will give it a seat at the top table 西班牙地位上升到可以和意大利平起平坐,甚至法国都得马上给它在贵宾席安排一个座位。 |
| 4. | The customs and excise department issued a press statement about an unsafe glass - top table on 23 december 2004 海关于二零零四年十二月二十三日发出有关不安全玻璃的新闻稿上一页 |
| 5. | A dark wooden bar , marble topped tables , assortments of art deco lamps and the same face behind the counter as there has been for the last twenty years 这些咖啡厅一般装潢比较考究,沙发座席,而且室内比较安静,但一般就餐价格会偏高。 |
| 6. | Some of them reflect the design itself : in our seating planner , for instance , the rule that each table , with the exception of the top table , is assigned either to one family or the other 有些事实则反应了设计本身:以座位的安排为例,除了主桌以外,每张桌子只能安排给其中一个家族使用。 |
| 7. | That is why mr putin is so keen to keep a firm grip on power at home ; it is also why he is so anxious to keep russia ' s seat at the top table , not just in the un security council but also the g8 club of rich countries 这也是为何普京在国内独揽大权,同时也解释了他为何热衷于不仅在联合国安理会,而且在富国俱乐部的八国集团中占据一席之地。 |
| 8. | That is why mr putin is so keen to keep a firm grip on power at home ; it is also why he is so anxious to keep russia ' s seat at the top table , not just in the un security council but also the g8 club of rich countries 这些都是普京为何如此热衷强化权力的原因;也是他为何要确保在国际高端组织中占有一席之地的原因,这些组织不仅包括安理会,还包括西方八国集团。 |
| 9. | In the cafe the too numerous crowd of customers were squeezing themselves round the marble - topped tables . several were standing up , drinking in a great hurry . the tall mirrors reflected this thronging world of heads to infinity and magnified the narrow room beyond measure with its three chandeliers , its moleskin - covered seats and its winding staircase draped with red 咖啡馆里顾客很多,他们都拥挤在大理石桌子周围有些人匆匆忙忙站着喝咖啡横动的人头映在高大的镜子里,一眼看不到头的狭窄的大厅里,三盏吊灯仿皮漆布面子的长凳和铺着红地毯的螺旋楼梯都无限放大了。 |